
The 100 Notebook Project invites 100 members of a selected community group to examine the role of the notebook as a thinking tool. Over the course of 4 months, participants are tasked with filling out a notebook with their creative work and personal reflections.

Each notebook is gathered together for a public exhibition at the end of the project, allowing the wider community to explore the lived experiences of these creative minds. These are then added to an ongoing archive to create an ever-growing depository of notebooks.

The 100 Notebook Project is a Federal Not-for-Profit Corporation duly Incorporated under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act bearing Corporation Number 1158430-8. We are grateful to all community partners for their continued support, from participants to sponsors.

Images provided by 100 Notebook Project.


Mano Duggal, Director

Baldeep Duggal, Director

Elsa Tang, Media Coordinator